This word “representation” in the Greek means impression or stamp or duplication. Jesus is the same stamp or impression as the Father. Jesus duplicates the same nature as the Father. They share the same nature or essence.
When you look at a quarter you see the image of George Washington. When you see Jesus in the New Testament you see the Father. Even though the Father and the Son are two different people, they remain of the same divine essence.
Thus Jesus could say to Philip, ‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father’ (John 14:9).
When we see Jesus we see God, when we worship Jesus we worship God, and when Jesus tells us something to do (like go and make disciples) then God is commanding us to do that teaching. When you ask, “how does God want me to live?” The answer is, “the way Jesus lived.” Jesus is God and Jesus is our example. If Jesus was able to forgive Peter for denying Him, then we can forgive those who wrong us. If Jesus gave all that He had, then we can give all that we have. If Jesus gave so much of Himself that He died for others, then we can also die for others. Jesus is God therefore we should live like He did and take up our cross daily by denying ourselves for the sake of others (Luke 9:23).
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