Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Christ Church and the Awe of God

My wife and I had a wonderful experience this summer. We traveled England with a seminary group and experienced the wonderful churches of old England. When you walk into these ancient structures the architect/artist draws your eyes to the beautiful stained glass windows which pulls your eyes up to the heavens, as your head is pulled up gravity drops your jaw, and you stand there with a look of "awe". This is one of the most important reactions to God, AWE.

These buildings were all so beautiful and many of the little villages were very proud of their church structures. If the architect was pious he would not want us to be in awe of the building, but the God that the building is trying to worship.

As I have held my new son and watched my wife be a great mother to Mason I have taken great joy in God's blessing of a wonderful healthy son and beautiful loving wife. I am blessed beyond words. It has been important for me to remember my first love however. My first and greatest love, joy, and happiness are not my wonderful wife nor my perfect little boy but the giver of these blessings.

Matthew 13:44 says, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field."

Do you love God's blessings over God Himself? Do you find so much joy in God and you would sell everything to be in His presence?

Christmas provides many blessings and joys for us. This Christmas season, worship the creator over the created. Find you joy and happiness more in the Blesser than the blessings.

In His Grace

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