Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Resume

As I shared on the previous post, I make a distinction between "who I am" and "what I do". Of course these lines are not distinct but it is important to me to make that distinction. Well who am I outside of being a child of God saved by grace?

I am married to Kristen who has been one of my closest friends since middle school. We even went to our 7th grade homecoming together. The mum from that night is proudly displayed in my office. We have been married two and a half years and are expecting our first child, Mason, any day now. We have had some great times in the period of first being married and before "the dude" arrives. We have traveled alot and enjoyed our time together. Honestly we are somewhat sad to leave this stage, but are also very excited about the stage of life to come. Mason is due on Tuesday, but it is up to him.

I am a pastor and a seminary student.

I serve at the First Baptist Church of Denton, Texas where I grew up attending. I serve in the Singles Ministry under our Sinlges Pastor, Mike Green. I am Mike's intern/associate. The Singles Ministry has been a great experience. My primary ministry is what we call the "young singles". These are people who are either graduate students at the University of North Texas or Texas Woman's University or they are people who have taken their first "rea" job in the area. As of January I will have served in the Singles Ministry for three great years. I have loved getting to work with people of all ages. It has been great for what God has now called me to.

This summer I will be part of a team of people who will start a new church in Austin, Texas. The church will be called Grace Community Church and will be located in the southern part of the city. Feel free to check out our website at God has blessed our efforts and we are excited about getting down there. We are busy fundraising and beginning to build a core group of people to serve alongside of us down there. If you are interested in being a part, then leave a comment to the post.

Most don't know what a seminary is. I have had people call it "preacher school" or "semitary". A seminary is a graduate level school (although some are now offering undergraduate level degrees) that has the ultimate goal of training people for ministry. I attend both Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dallas Theological Seminary. Like all schools they are better at different things, thus why I attend both. I am pursuring a degree called a Master's of Divinity from SWBTS which is a 90 hour degree. I should be done with that this summer. I am pursuring what is called a Master's in Theology at DTS. This is a 120 hour degree. Most master's degrees are about 60 hours so these degrees are a little over the top, but it has been a great experience. I am in my fourth year of training and I am honestly ready to move on.

Well I will address these issues in more detail later as well as share with you the overall thrust or gameplan of this blog.

In His Grace


Tim Schmoyer said...

Hey man! Came across your blog through I graduated from DTS this past May and am glad to finally be done with my education (at least as far as I know). Currently serving as the youth pastor at a church in Carrollton. Small world, huh? :-)

Micah Caswell said...

Great to hear from you. I am pretty untechy and am very new to blogs so this is a lot of fun for me. I am praying for you and your ministry in Carrollton. What church in Carrollton are you at?

Tim Schmoyer said...

Workin' at Redeemer Evangelical Covenant Church. Started there while in seminary.

I'm can be a nerd from time-to-time, so if you need help with any of this stuff, lemme know. :-)