I made the commitment to myself to only post one post per day. I don't want this to consume me because I will then get bored with it and quit. I want to pace myself. With all that said, here is my second post of the day.
I want to talk a little further about "The Resume" section and then I will get into the gameplan of this blog.
I will tackle the resume in order of importance. I will begin by telling you about my wife. There is a great proverb in the Bible that concludes the book of Proverbs. Proverbs 31:30 says, "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised". I recently heard a sermon on this and the preacher challenged us to go compliment the women in our lives on characteristics that are consistent with fearing the Lord. Where to begin with my wife on this issue?
Simply put, I have a great wife. If you know us then you know that she is out of my league and that I married up. My wife is physically beautiful, funny, fun to visit with, and smart; but most of all she is a mature Christian who loves and fears the Lord. This is evidenced by the fact that she patiently puts up with a lot of my junk.
Kristen has joyously embraced being a minister's wife and has jumped in with loving our group. Starting a church is a stressful ordeal because the money is not guarantied and there has been about a year and half of work that we have not been paid for. She has only been a positive and encouraging player in our efforts.
Kristen genuinely loves people. She accepts people for who they are and faithfully loves them. She is a great friend. I knew before I married her that she would make the best mom in the world. There is no one else in the world that I would rather be the mother of my children than Kristen.
I love my wife very much and pray that I have many wonderful years with her.
My wife is a middle school reading teacher and this picture of us together is in Bill Shakespeare's flower garden in England. See I told you she was beautiful.
Oh yeah, what's with "La Hottie"? Well we have a seminary friend named Dahati and my sister-in-law thought we were saying "La Hottie". There is also a Greek word "oti" that has a rough breathing mark and thus is pronounced "hoti" which we have laughed about. Sorry, I promise no more seminary humor.
In His Grace
you are a hoot
this is cindy metcalf
i sat by your la hottie and your la mottie in law today at a hoity toity luncheon. they rock. i'm a christian first then a dbc staffer.
do you know my d'hati lewis?
they told me about your blog today so i decided to visit it
I completely agree with your description of your wife. She continues to be such a wonderful friend to me after so many years. She blessed my day and my life when she came to visit me on Thursday. I love the laughter and love that she brings me. I hope to see both of you and your beautiful boy soon.
Gavin is anxious to meet you to talk theology and football.
Love you both - Elizabeth
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